About the Film

Pray For Rain Pictures Inc. [us]
Call to all America
The shocking history of spiritual warfare

About conservative Christian film industry

About YWAM

Rosemary Ann Ferreira phone: 206-372-2555 fax: 215-975-2489 email: annferre@aol.com
scene selections

1: "Contains Indigenous Nudity and Heavy Scenes"
2: (Drums begin) "Brazil"
3: "Amazonian Region"
4: "Suruwaha People"
5: "A True Story"
6: (An ominous trumpet the sound of birds and animals)Camera points up to a canopy of trees
7: camera walks through the forest
8: indigenous children running through the forest and camera follows
9: Monkey in tree
10: Children running
11th: Large aunts eating the leaves
12th: Children running, nudity more apparent
13th: Children playing in pool of muddy water
14th: Indigenous Man chewing on banana leaf
15th: Second man chewing on leaf
16th: Third man weaving a covering for his private area with his hands
17th: inside the maloca, dark, older woman eating mandioc cake with her hands
18th: it's dark someone is helping a child walk camera's focus is at a distance "Hakani Bibi's younger sister"
19th: camera shifts focus on a boy bent over banana leaves eating something, camera does a close up "Niawi Bibi's younger brother"
20th: scene changes to outside, it's light, camera focuses on tribal men
21th: than on children playing in the pond, the children splashing water
22th: ominous sound again, children running away from the pond
23th: inside the maloka someone picks up Hakani
24th: camera focuses on nude woman, first shows breasts than face, woman is cutting sugar cane
25th: Monkey in tree
26th: children, naked, running to maloka
27th: it's dark in the maloka, woman talking "Bibi's mother"
28th: Young man holding stick and looking up to the hole in the center of the maloka
29th: camera looks down on a young man "Bibi's older brother"
30th: five kids are trying to sit in the same hammock
31st: rubbing urucum on hands and body
32nd: something liquid in a bowl
33rd: camera looks down from above there are two people squatting and they are covered in Urucum which is red and looks like blood
34th:Dihiji Bibi's father is smearing Urucum on someone else, looks like blood
35th:Hakani eating something, she has not been covered in Urucum
36th: "Tukaza tribal leader"
37th: woman on hammock, breasts are visible and are not as dark as the rest of the body "Muwaji the leader's wife"
38th: boy is being smeared with Urucum and camera looks up to the heaves with boy
39: children. one child says "that's my brother." other boy answers "yes we know"
40:close up from above someone looks into the camera
41:camera hides behind children two men are in center of maloka one asks "are you worthy of being painted in red?"
42: close up of man "are you worthy of becoming a man?"
43: man bends down picks up a twig, "you're still a boy"
44: boys look to man, close up of boy with red face
45: the man is whipping the boy with the stick "only a child would react"
46: onlookers are smiling
47: "only a child would should pain"
48: two men are standing up, close up of one with a serious face "a man from this tribe knows no fear and no pain"
49: "now it's your turn to become a man"
50: the two men are talking "you are not a child anymore, my son"
51: "now you are a man, I'm very proud of you"
52: older man puts hand on shoulder of younger man and says "now you will go to your place of honor"
53: he climbs one of the supporting beams and women are eating and laughing on
54: he climbs into a red hammock
55: may the celebration continue for many days
56: darkness on the horizon
57: a fire rages
58: dancing in darkness
59: meet on banana leaves
60: dancers wearing grass skirts
61: camera angling down, dancing in a circle
62: chicken outside
63: man inside hands food to boy "here my son" "I give you a lot because I love you"
64: boy "thank you father"
65: tribesmen look on as boy eats food
66: the making of a fire
67: tribesmen dancing
68: mother holding toddler
69: father comes and gives food to mother "to you my wife and my daughter, who bring happiness to my heart"
70: "eat" , camera shows a large piece of meat and child bites into it
71: fire in the middle of the maloka
71: father to toddler "people are saying you have no soul my son" "but I see you have a good soul"
72: close up on person snooping
73: man handing food to wife, a small amount, the crippled children get all the meet while we get just bones" "but is a party day for their family" "and they love their children
74: close up of toddlers chewing on the meat "but those two don't even know how to take care of themselves properly" "the spirits stole their soul"
75: close up of toddler, little girl has a messy face and looks unkempt, waves to camera and smiles
76: boys laugh and tribesman looks on with a serious face
77: mother asks little boy in her arms "whats the problem my aren't you hungry"
78: outside. camera looks to the sky, the sun is hiding behind clouds
79:close up of tribesmen eating
80: camera is unfocused
81: outside water dropping on pool of water, raining, contrasts with inside darkness
82: inside dancers with grass skirts dancing around fire
83: outside bushes are being hit by wind
84: dark clouds on the horizon
85: inside a close up of toddler in mothers arms,
86: tribesmen dancing, a close up of their faces, they seem savage
87: they look up and look to the toddler
88: things shaking, dogs jumping, lightning reflecting on tribesmen faces
89: mother holds child close
90: camera unfocused and moving around
90: things start falling "the maloka is falling apart"
91: things falling on people
92: tribesmen holding up sticks and pointing to sky "go away evil spirits"
93: camera moving around aimlessly, close up of child lightning reflecting on face
94: family holds each together tightly and yell
95: outside, thatch roof falling
96: camera goes to ground, fire, feet and people walking
97:close up of mans distorted face, "I wonder what we did to make the evil spirits angry?"
98: wind beating on thatch
99: people going outside
100: wind beating on plants, animals next to maloka (8:06)

101: close up of one of the indigenous men outside
102: camera looks up to the sky and then to the maloka
103: inside, close up of Hakani crying
104: a young boy is trying to get the fire started
105: a man talking to someone sitting in hamock " the crippled children should have never been born"
106: "and now we are being cursed because we allowed them to live" close up of child and mother
107: close up of man again (very dark) "there parents should kill them before it is too late"
108: mother and child on hammock
109: man starts hitting one of the center poles that hold up the maloka
110: close up of another man camera is looking up into his face, he is not looking at the camera
111: "who agrees with me, join me" man continues hitting the post
others join in the sound making by hitting logs
112: a close up of Hakani's older brother
113: a close up of Hakanis' younger brother
114: close up of the pole hitting continued and camera focuses on Hakani's father looking down
115: close up of children covering their ears
116: close up of small boy
117: close of child
118: man starts wiping himself
119: a close up Hakani's father others yell "kill you children! meet with your obligation to the tribe!"
120: close up of Hakani in mother's arms
121: close of small boy either hittting or airing the fire
122: close up of young man hitting
123:close up of Hakani's father
124: Hakani's father runs out of the maloka
125: men continue whipping the trunk
126: someone follows the father
127: Hakani's mother puts her down and says "he is not going to do that, he is not going to eat of the poisonous root"
128: Hakani is held by a young boy, her other brother, she is crying
129: close up of a mother with a child
130: Hakani's father running to the pond
131: Hakani's father arrives at pond
132: someone cutting a root out of the mud
133: Hakani's father pulling on a root
134: close up of Hakani's father chewing off a piece of root
135: a close up the father's eyes
136: Hakani's father falls into the water
137: one of the boys runs out of the maloka
138: Hakani's mother arrives at the pond and finds Hakani's father floating in the water face up
139: a boy running from toward the pond
140: Hakani's mother chews on the root
141: boy runs through the clearing
142: arrives at the pond to see the two bodies in the floating in the water face up
143: rubs the father's hair
144: something red in the water
145: fire and a dog that looks like a wolf in the background
146: young boy crying
147: people in the dark in the maloka
148: Hakani's father in a hammock someone puts a long leaf over him
149: children rubbing the father's body with Urucum
150: close up of mother and child looking down
151: men wrapping something around the hammock (11:26)
151: People bending over the father's body
152: carrying the body to a nearby site
153: the youngest son and Hakani are crying, Hakani is carried by her brother, Bibi
the youngest son runs after them
154: Bodies are buried at a remote site
155: Beating of the ground, the youngest son is crying and so is the oldest son.
156: Close up of Hakani and Bibi. He holds her tightly
157: Close up of tribe leader crying
158: Close up of Hakani looking up
159: Bodies are buried and covered with banana leaves
160: oldest son is weeping
161: a hut is made to cover the grave site
162: the women go by to give there farewell
163: close up of older woman
164: people are consoling the children
165: the oldest boy is being held up by other men
166: woman beats on the hut with hands
167: close up of Muwaji talking to older woman
168: close up of the youngest son crying and the grandmother consoling him
169: oldest son bending over the bodies and weeping tribal leader drags him away
170: close up of youngest son crying,
171: Tribal leader says to oldest son "You are not worthy of carying the red paint. 172: You cannot participate in this funeral."
173: close up again of youngest son crying
174: close up of Hakani in her brothers arms
175: shot of oldest brother having to walk away
176: leader says to him "it is because of your brother and sister who have no souls that your parents are dead."
177: Oldest brother continues walking away, leader says "you are now a man. Go perform your duty."
178: tribal leader watches the oldest son disappear into the forest
179: the grandparents are weeping over the grave
180: the grandfather says "Bibi, if things get worse take the young ones to the missionaries they live downstream"
181: someone consoling the grandmother
182: the oldest son is digging a grave (the lighting is poor)
183: tribal leader overseeing the work, a banana leaf covers his head
184: oldest son continues to dig
185: the camera goes back to tribal leader
186:oldest son goes and brings out the youngest boy
187: the boy is holding his hands now like they are a cripple's hands (14:09)
"Bibi if things get worse take the young ones to the missionaries who live down the river"
the older brother is digging the grave and the leader is looking over his work
the screen darkens
drums and birds in the background
digs first with a shovel and then uses his hands
they bring the children out
older brother places the first child in the whole and looks up to the leader
it seems like he hits the child with the handle of a machette (you hear a loud thump)
the child is still awake, he starts covering him with the dirt
Bibi yells I will care for them
the drums are quite loud vigorous now
he continues covering the child
the dirt is still moving and he starts stamping on it
the drums continue
the leader looks on
he takes Hakani, and Bibi yells no please don't
she starts crying
Muwaji's husband looks on
Muwaji looks on
He continues covering the child and the child continues crying
Drums are still in the background and the lighting is still dark
Muwaji goes inside
the earth is still moving and he stomps on the dirt
Bibi jumps into the whole and digs Hakani out
He runs away with her
the leader yells "bring her back! for the good of the tribe she must die"
"To this tribe she is dead!" She won't be able to eat from our food or live in our maloca!"
a storm in the background
water dripping from a plant (good lighting is back)
Hakani is left in the rain
people in their hamocks
Hakani just cries and cries and the brothers cover the ears
the leader yells "make her shut up or else she'll call back the evil spirits"
a small hut
Bibi and Hakani standing next to it
a monkey
Bibi tells Hakani "mom and dad left us because they didn't want to hurt you"
"I will try my best but you'll have to learn how to walk"
Bibi continues holding Hakani and helping her walk
"If you continue to cry they will surely kill you"
Bibi carries Hakani back to the maloca
He is swinging in the hammock
a monkey looks down from above
a child on the floor outside
another child outside chewing on something
the monkey inside
a close up of flies and then Hakani all dirty and unkempt
children around her eating and laughing
Bibi brings her food and feeds her
He tells her "I'm going fishing but I will be right back"
"Don't leave this spot I'll be right back"
Muwaji looks on at Hakani
Close up of worms
then close up of Hakani
She puts something in her mouth
other children look on
Hakani bends over to eat the dirt and the children laugh at her
"she's eating mud and she ate the worms too"
Hakani comes and hands her some bananas "Hakani take it"
One of the kids comes up and grabs it from her hand and says "why are you wasting our food on her?"
A fight begins
Muwaji: "She's only a child"
Boy: She's an animal! She deserves to die!"
He pushes Muwaji away
Flies buzzing - close up of Hakani
the kids start throwing things at Hakani and laughing
Bibi comes back with the fish
the leader comes out of the maloca
Bibi walks up to the boys and demands that they leave
they run away
he yells "leave her alone"
the leader goes back into the maloca and the children continue laughing
there is a pause the film ends
than it begins again
the maloca is shown
then a snake in the water
Bibi is walking toward the maloca
the maloca is empty and he asks "where is everybody?"
everybody is leaving and Bibi says "they are leaving me all alone"
he draws his spears and runs to Hakani
the tribe is walking through the forest
Bibi puts Hakani on his back and runs to catch up with them
He calls out to his older brother "Aruadi (my brother), Aruadi""Wait"
"Where are you guys going?" asks Bibi
He answers "we are leaving this place"
Brother:"Because the house is cursed"
Bibi "but why?"
Bibi: "but you can't leave us here all alone"
Brother: "if you leaver her hear you can come with us"
Bibi: "I can't do that to our sister"
Bibi: "I can't"
the brother walks away
close up of Hakani
close up of Bibi's face
flies buzzing, the maloca
Bibi is in the hammock with Hakani all alone
close up of a tarantula
Bibi and Hakani are in the hammock and both unkempt
close up of fire ants
Bibi tries to wake her up
"wake up Hakani"
he picks her up and carries her outside
he puts her on his back and leaves
drums and children singing in the background
birds crying up in the trees
Bibi walks through the grass
He walks through the dark forest
the film pauses then there is a close up of Bibi
He has started a fire but you here a growl in the background
he looks frightened, another big cat growl
the fire dies down
next day Bibi goes to the river and washes himself and Hakani
thunder in the background
walks along the edge of the river carrying Hakani
walks to a canoe at the edge of the river
close up of an Anaconda
Hakani lays on the bottom of the canoe and Bibi paddles on down the river
animal sounds in the background
Bibi paddles down river
a storm in the background
an overhead view of the missionaries small house at the edge of the river
Bibi paddling in the river
missionary outpost
the missionaries are cutting the grass
Bibi comes downriver and Hakani begins to cry
the missionaries run to their aid
a cb radio voices in the background "this is an emergency, out"
CB radio: "this is from the FUNASA" we have a child that is very sick and needs medical help, out"
"The New Suruwaha Location" shows up on the screen
Someone says "the leaders son is cursed"
"this child needs to be buried"
a close up of Muwaji the mother is shown and she is holding the baby tight
"who agrees with me protest with me!"
the men start hitting the trunks with sticks
back to the missionary outpost
cb radio: "emergency, emergency, out"
Hakani is crying
cb radio: "is there anyone there can someone here me, out"
cb radio: "can someone here me, is there anyone there"
the film stops with a loud bang and a dark screen shows up
it begins again
(happy, clean, healthy children are shown throughout the remaining 10 minutes of the film).
your up in the sky looking down at the clouds
a narrator begins
"the story that you just saw is just one of many (close ups of children), every year 100s of indigneous children of Brazil, have the same trajectory. this is Amale buried alive (close up of a baby) because he was the son of an unmarried woman. He spent two hours under the dirt before he was saved by a neighbor.Harani's mother abandoned her in the forest right after she was born. She was saved 36 hours later. Being physically handicapped, being twins or triplets, being born of an unwed mother, or born of incest or adultery, all these are reasons to take away the life of a child. (27:47)
Indigenous woman: "the babies grandmother saw that the baby had a whole in his mouth." "She dug a hole and put the baby inside the hole, she threw the dirt and then stomped on it." "The baby cried a lot the whole night and only died the next day."
Narrator: "in the majority of the cases infanticide happens by pressure of the 'pajes.'
paje: "they come to my house and say, Paje I am sick and my stomach has a baby.I begin to do a ritual (he is shown to bend over a woman), I then blow on a rock and show her. See, it's a child without a soul."
Narrator:"today, more and more indigenous people in Brazil are fighting to end the practice."
Indigenous woman holding Amale: we looked for the burial site with a flashlight.I dug and found Amale. When I took him out he was already dying."
Indigenous man: "after I was able to save Kauana. I began to show my people, other ethnicities, to various tribes, that we could save or someone adopt from another tribe."
Indigenous woman: "A lot of girls saw Amale and my father told them that when they grow up they couldn't do that to their children. He said to them that Amale was a person. And, when he grows up he will play soccer.
A tribal leader: "the boy that was buried alive was my sister's son. It made me very sad. I wanted to die with him."
Back to previous indigenous man: "We need to end this. Our people need to grow and lessen in numbers. We are burying our newborns."
Other indigeous man: "The customs of our culture that our good we want to preserve. The customs that are bad we want to leave behind."
Indigneous woman holding Amale: "these children are human beings. They are not dogs we need to care for them. I don't like it when you buy your children.Either you take care of them or I will."
other indigenous woman: "we are doing this film because of the children. so that other indigenous people like myself know that many children were saved from death."
the trumpet sound
a field with children
a tribal leader with the words on the back of his shirt "projecto tairu."
Brasilia in the background.
The narrator: "these people began a legal battle so that these children can have the same right as the other children in Brazil and around the world have. The Muwaji Law compells the government to intervene in favor of indigneous children that are viewed as an infanticide risk (31:00)

The Children

Aruwaji (big brother)
Dihiji (father)

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